Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Put "Christ" Back in Christmas

I'm hearing this refrain a lot, moreso this year than in previous years.  Perhaps it is because Obama got elected and evangelists still think he's Muslim. 

But I whole-heartedly agree.  Christmas should have Christ in it.  Otherwise, it's just December 25 and an excuse to give presents.  Nevermind that Christ wasn't born on December 25.  We do the same thing with President's birthdays.  Fifty years from now you can celebrate Obama's national holiday on the first Monday in August, where it will be more convenient for employers than August 4 would be.

I would prefer Christmas if it retained even a modicum of integrity as a religious holiday.  Instead, most Christians choose it as one of the two days a year they will go to church, and they put up all kinds of religious imagery (like nativity scenes) without giving a thought to their religion.  In that sense, it's no different than every other day of their lives, where they claim belief and have no idea what any of it means. 

So if you are Christian, celebrate Christmas for what it is supposed to be.  Perhaps -- and I know this is going to sound crazy to most of you -- you should consider reading the Bible.  Not just the passages that you think support marriage as one man and one woman, but the whole damned thing.  It is, after all, what you claim to believe in. You can still do all the fun stuff too, but mayhap you should consider it more significant than an excuse to turn around the fortunes of the nation's retailers. 

I have only one question.  If I support putting Christ back into Christmas, can we take Christ out of the other 364.25 days of the year?