Friday, November 16, 2007
Decline of the Eyebrow
This may be a Southern thing, but I've noticed a lot of 18-25 year old women shaving their eyebrows completely off, and then re-drawing them. Someone explain this to me.
I understand many women don't like their eyebrow shape, and while I think that's pretty silly -- I've never heard a guy say something positive or negative about a woman's eyebrows, as long as there are two -- the thought they would re-draw them, rather than re-shape them, is ludicrous.
They don't even look like eyebrows. They take some kind of makeup pencil and draw a skinny little half-McDonald's arch in deep brown. No one's eyebrows are shaped like that. No one's eyebrows are that color. No one's eyebrows consist of a smooth edged line.
I'd say these people look like hookers, except hookers are smart enough not to draw on their eyebrows because they know it will hurt business.
Who is going to tell these women the truth?