Saturday, October 6, 2007
What If God Was One of Us?
Houston is the New Jerusalem.
Jose de Jesus claims his last name is not mere coincidence. He actually is the second coming of Jesus. Yes, that Jesus. Strangely, he also says he is the Antichrist, and encourages followers to tattoo "666" on their arms.
He preaches that there is no sin, Hell, the devil or damnation. (At least he's right about something). Millions follow him. He smokes. He drinks booze, saying "Jesus drank wine because he didn't have Dewar's." But he draws the line at drugs and getting drunk. It isn't clear why, since he believes there is no sin. He doesn't believe murder is a sin; just a crime. God forbid you murder anyone while drunk, though.
Jose of Jesus was born in Puerto Rico, and like many other saviors, spent time in prison (theft and heroin). That gave him time to be reborn as a Christian, in the great tradition of scalliwags everywhere. But Jose didn't just become a man of God. He says he actually became God and his followers are a super race because they are free of false religions like Catholicism.
At last report his hands and feet are puncture free.
Someone ought to be working on setting up a miracle contest between Senors de Jesus and Torop.