Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mystery Sandwich Technique

On the way home from work today I was behind a black Nissan Sentra, in decent, but not great shape, circa 2003. The driver, a man, was holding his left hand out the window while driving with his right.

But what's that in his left hand? A sandwich! He is holding the sandwich at arm's length out the car window. Appears to be some sort of flatbread or panini, with the flat portion of the bread facing into the wind (not aerodynamically on edge, cutting through the wind).

Occasionally, but not often, he brings his sandwich in and takes a bite while driving.

But at stop lights/signs, he brings his arm in, and keeps it there. The whole time. He takes no more bites while sitting than while driving. He just doesn't put the sandwich out the window. When the light goes green, the sandwich heads out the window, until he wants to take a quick bite while driving.

When I first saw this I explained it one of two ways: (a) the sandwich smells bad (maybe tuna) and he doesn't want to stink up the car; or (b) he doesn't want crumbs in the car. Those two theories went out the window when he kept the sandwich in the car for the entirety of his traffic stops.

Any ideas why he would hold the sandwich out the window only when in motion? Could he be keeping the sandwich refrigerated with the 55 degree Florida air?