Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Suicide Foods

I have always been tremendously entertained (in a sort of sick way) by those signs you see at BBQ joints with the cartoon pig happily holding a knife and fork, inviting you to c'mon in and carve up his flesh.

Now, there's a blog that captures those kinds of roadside images in one place, and provides both witty and insightful commentary on the phenomenon.  Suicide Food.  Makes you laugh and makes you think.

The author gives "noose ratings" to the roadside signs. I know you'll be curious, but you really don't want to see the ones with a 5 rating.  They aren't funny...just disgusting.

This Mardi Gras one rates 3 nooses, and is probably my favorite.

But you also don't want to miss an entire category of meat signs where sex is injected (ack!) into the image to make you even hungrier. An example: